Know—and OWN—Your Lane of Influence

But wait there’s more.

Last week, we talked about why the room is better because you’re in it.  But what if I told you there’s more to the story. What if the impact that you have in that room is directly tied to knowing and boldly owning your lane of influence!

Your Lane

Getting clear on your lane of influence is critical. Whether you’re a founder or a project manager, you need to know how your influence shapes those around you. And if you’ve been following us over the last several weeks, you might be silently saying, “Oh, yeah I know my lane, I’m 100% a Creator.”  But, if I totally lost you just now, check out our article on the Fab 4 and take the quiz.

You Asked for More

Now, since we published the introduction of the Fab 4 earlier this spring, we’ve had the opportunity to explore the framework with executives, engineering teams, real estate and construction companies and nonprofits in various...

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