Introducing the 4x4: Next Level Understanding of the Fab Four on Your Team

4x4 the fab four Aug 31, 2023

(First appeared in WRAL TechWire.)

A cliché that sums up this article: Teamwork makes the dreamwork.

If you’re on a team, and I suspect you are, it’s time to look under the hood.  Whether you’re a co-founding team with a set of advisors, a large multifaceted team at a Blue Chip company or a member of a board of directors at a local nonprofit, the way you move on your team has an impact.

Last week, we examined the Fab 4 of high performing teams and what it meant to really know and own your lane of influence. This week, we’ll continue to dig in to those four lanes by introducing the ‘4×4,’ a framework that identifies the four key attributes driving each of the Fab 4. At the end of the day, when these drivers are allowed to shine through…they fuel creativity and innovation taking your team to new and unknown territory.

The 4×4

First, let’s talk about the Creator. Creators offer a unique set of...

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