Below you'll find my first article in my new weekly column in WRAL Techwire. Enjoy!
RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK – Hello TechWire!! I’m thrilled to be on this platform with you. Six years ago, I was introduced to the Triangle Tech Community by way of the American Underground where I co-founded Black Wall Street Homecoming, a nonprofit created to address the funding gap for founders of color. Since then, I’ve watched the Triangle emerge as one of the fastest growing markets in the country for entrepreneurs and tech companies and am honored to join the many voices that speak to you each week.
As CEO of Jes & Co and creator of 28 Days of Reinvention, I hope this weekly column provides the insight about reinvention required to help you confidently determine your next right steps.
Why? Well, we’re in a bit of a crisis it seems. These days, it feels like we’re having trouble tapping into our mojo. We’ve replaced the “Big Hairy Audacious Goal” (BHAG) with “Just Enough to Get By” (JETGB). Statistics indicate that 50% of women across the globe have given up on their dreams (Global Dream Index), and as recently as September 2021, eight out of ten Americans admitted to being stuck in a routine (OnePoll).
While this is alarming, it’s understandable. Our worlds have been flipped like the tilt-a-whirl at the county fair. I’m here to remind you that we can regain perspective and (re)discover the answer to why we get out of the bed in the morning. This column will serve as a good friend if you are in pursuit of those outcomes.
With that in mind, I hope to delight, inspire and re-energize you while providing practical tips backed by data science. From personal development to goal-setting, and from stakeholder engagement to coaching strategies, we’re going to dig in and dig deep. Not only will you hear from me, but you’ll also hear from women who are at the top of their game. These are superstars who have a lot to teach—not because they are perfect, but because they are flawed yet determined. We’ll unpack the secret sauce that propels their careers forward.
Why am I so passionate about this? Because I’ve been there. I’ve worked for the world’s most admired company and on an Amish farm. I’ve produced events in partnership with the NFL and the NBA. All this while navigating through tough life transitions (some of which were admittedly self-imposed). I’ve dealt with loss and fought the personal and professional stereotypes of being a divorced, single mom. But I didn’t count myself out! It was during these crucible moments that I got comfortable with the art of reinvention. It’s a process that I continue to learn from and hope to share.
Now that you know a little more about me, I’d love to hear from you. What’s on your mind? How can I support your goals? If you have questions and comments to share, hit me up on LinkedIn.
Let’s take this journey together! It’s time to reignite your fire, dream louder and own the keys that unlock the next best version of you!
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