(First appeared in WRAL Techwire.)
Last week we talked about the Say:Do ratio—in other words, do you do what you say you’re going to do? Are you known for your reliable follow-through, or do you get lost along the path to getting it done? How you answer these questions is critical because walking around with a low Say:Do ratio can wreak havoc on your personal and professional relationships – eroding others’ trust and confidence in you.
Now, to be fair, most people with low Say:Do ratios are good-hearted and well-intentioned. The challenge arises when they forget that saying yes to one thing means saying no or compromising another. This misstep lands them squarely in an overcommitment minefield, disappointing those around them and creating unnecessary tension. And let me tell you, it’s hard to escape this territory unscathed.
So the question is how do we recover? Better yet, how do avoid falling into the low Say:Do ratio trap?
Below are 5 practical tips to instantly increase your SAY:DO ratio and restore others’ faith in your word.
The Say:Do ratio, is a little idea that packs a big punch!
Each of today’s tips and tricks can immediately restore trust and increase credibility. And each idea has the power to ignite new collaborations and create long-lasting relationships. So what are you waiting for? Go say…and DO!
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